I'm a high school history teacher currently writing a book about the Tlingit nineteenth century. On Medium, I write about history, language, travel, politics, and education.
Kaakasgoox̱ú áyá ax̱ saayí. Naanya.aayí naax̱ x̱at sitee. Dleit ḵaa ḵa Waashdan Ḵwáan. Kichx̱áanx' yéi x̱at yatee. Lingít Aaní áyá. (I'm a white American and adopted member of the Naanya.aayí clan living in Ketchikan, Alaska, in Tlingit Country.)
If you'd like a more thorough introduction to my personal and professional background, read "My Story: Why I’m a Teacher in Ketchikan, Alaska": https://peterwstanton.medium.com/my-story-why-im-a-teacher-in-ketchikan-alaska-464ce3477162.